11516 W. 183rd Street, NE
   Orland Park, IL 60467
 phone: 708-478-3982  •  email us

Incorporation & Business Start Up Planning

More than just accounting, Reliance can handle the paperwork you need to get your company moving.

Set-up. Reliance has helped many of our clients set up corporations. Reliance charges approximately $700 - $900 to incorporate a business. Our fee includes:

There are many business circumstances that have led to the increase in legal formations:

Below is basic summary outlining some of the topics individuals will face when starting up a new business.

Employee vs. Independent Contractor


Independent Contractor - Can operate as sole proprietorship, corporation (S or C), LLC

Sole Proprietorship




Auto Expense

Lease vs. Buy – Which is better? Depends on the economics of the deal.

Health Insurance

Insurance (premiums) on owner of SP, S-Corporation & LLC are deductible on individual’s return as an adjustment to AGI (not subject to 10% limitation)


Home Office

Where do I begin?

Seem like a lot of information?

Don't worry, Reliance can break it down so you don't have to. Whether you are just starting out, or have come to the realization that you need a strong accountant in your corner, don't hesitate to call Reliance today!